February: I wrote a poem to my boyfriend for valentine's day, we had dinner, and I felt loved.
March: Winter's bitterness stuck around and I felt a rift in time and space.
April: Spring's beauty was all but lost on me, I stayed in bed and let the time pass
May: I bought some plants in hopes of growing something, I vacuumed my apartment, I felt lost.
June: The summer's heat wore on me and my AC ran non stop
July: Electric bill exceeded 200 dollars and I began to wonder what in the fuck I was doing
August: New job, new love, hope regained momentum
September: Not my favorite, but I met Matt and that was great.
October: Completely over it, but still trying
November: Many beards, not ready for love
December: Sitting in my dirty apartment, hanging with the cats, reminiscing on the high's and low's, shedding a few tears, and hoping for next year's kindness
What did you do this year?