Tuesday, February 14, 2012


I may not remember this day tomorrow, but documented in words the memory lives forever.

It took me approximately  8,0381 days to come to the realization that it is time to stop settling and start carpe diem-ing.

I suppose the adage "living well is the best revenge" is true- because in retrospect it honestly is. I was stuck in a relationship that was doomed from the get-go, it ended, I was crushed, and I spent two weeks in a state of anger/bereavement. Two weeks too long to care. I am done with men who make me feel bad about myself and hold  me back from my full potential. I WILL NEVER LET A MAN HOLD ME BACK EVER AGAIN.

I just got real riot girl for a second.
This is my catharsis. Bigger and better awaits me.  Some people are assholes, some are sociopaths, some are benevolent beings, and everyone else is just trying to make it out alive. I resolve to write one thing, something, anything every day until I can find the writer I used to be. Stay tuned, learn with me, help me grow, watch me make grammatical errors, use oxford commas, and make giant leaps into the unknown.

This is for everyone who has ever settled- it is time to get inspired and start being awesome you.

Enough cheese for now- see you soon.

Elle Kay